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Justice Grown is part of Justice Cannabis Co.‘s growing line of national dispensaries. Our parent company, Justice Cannabis Co. holds multiple licenses across 8 states, including California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Michigan, Missouri, and Utah.




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Crops available exclusively at Justice Grown Dickson City and Edwardsville.⁠
πŸ“272 Main St, Dickson City, PA 18519⁠
πŸ“7 Gateway Shopping Center, Edwardsville, PA 18704
Meet Crops. Available exclusively at Justice Grown Dickson City and Edwardsville.⁠
πŸ“272 Main St, Dickson City, PA 18519⁠
πŸ“7 Gateway Shopping Center, Edwardsville, PA 18704
Take a break and enjoy some fresh air.
We believe being good should be a natural and easy choice.
The road to good feelings starts with the right plants.🌱
Life is a journey.
Be a part of something that matters.
Cannabis is the ultimate tool of self-discovery.
We invite you to join us on this journey towards feeling better.
What can cannabis do for you? The answer is simple, it can take you where you want to be.
Feel Good.
We believe in community.
Cannabis is a powerful tool that can be used to empower our daily adventure
Justice Grown is a place where self exploration collides with human connection
Whether you’re escaping pain or embracing life, we celebrate your choice to feel better with good cannabis
A better route to feeling better.
If you want to feel good, Justice Grown is the place to be.
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